CHILDREN AND MASKS... Which one should I buy?

We knew that masks were here to stay. We have been since April and we should already be clear about what and which is the best mask for the family, but it is surprising that after all the impact they are having, masks are still being sold without any information, marking or label. t1>
From dE.LENZO, we continue, to the best of our ability, informing and sharing all the information about the masks that you can buy on our website.
We only work with linen, it is the fabric with which we make our products and to which we dedicate ourselves exclusively, but with the masks we have made an exception. We have made our website available to other manufacturers, so that their masks can go further. (more information on delenzo)
Children and adolescents resume their obligations and activities and must follow some guidelines on the use and handling of masks. Fortunately, children under 2 years old should not wear it and from 2 to 5 years old, the use is voluntary. It should not be forgotten that a poorly placed or poorly handled mask is not effective, so it is better not to wear it, as it gives the wrong sense of security and protection.
You already know that you can choose NON-reusable or YES reusable masks.
In the case of children, if they wear the NON-reusable mask, they will need 2 units a day since it is only "effective" for 4 hours. To store spare masks, the linen bags save masks are very practical. They have a size of 13x18cm and cotton ribbons. It is recommended to wash the bag daily.
REUSABLE masks for coronavirus, you can use them as many times as the tests say. In our case and depending on the regulations to which we accept, we speak from 5 washes to 30 washes.
We recommend that you try the eucalyptus viscose masks...they are ideal! These are not made of linen but they seem so soft for children that we have incorporated them into the offer on our website. According to the UNE 0065 parameters, you can wash them 15 times, that is, buying the pack of 5, you have 75 days! And they have the advantage that the form of disinfection is very comfortable because you only have to immerse it for 30 min in a 1:50 dilution of bleach and warm water: Put two tablespoons of bleach (20ml) and 80 ml of water, then wash it with water and soap and done!
We offer our linen masks and we have remade the Bamboo masks, which were our initial masks. This time with some modification; In addition to the classic natural color, you can find them in blue, jean and black. They are very comfortable and soft, with foam rubber bands.If you want to be BIO, as ecological as possible; buy BAMBOO masks with recycled polyester; they are 100% biodegradable.
Whatever you buy; add the natural linen bags so that they are always well protected.
Do not forget that in the school environment it is recommended that, if any child has a fever or compatible symptoms, they are offered a surgical mask which will be replaced by theirs hygienic and will be isolated in a room with an adult who will also wear a mask until a family member arrives.
Why not use FFP2 in children if they are better?
They are better in terms of protection, they are more uncomfortable and will make the boy or girl touch his or her face continuously, so we will completely lose its function, what's more, it would be even worse.These types of masks are considered PPE ( Personal protection equipment) and are reserved for personnel trained in its use and handling and who are in contact with sick patients.
They would only be those recommended, according to the Spanish Association of Paediatrics, for children who, due to their underlying pathology, should have a greater protection (immunosuppression, patients who have been oncological, etc)
UNE 0065:2020 ISO EN-1483:2019
LINEN: TESTED BY AITEX Report No. 2020TM2347
95.57% Antibacterial barrier and Breathability 21 +/- 2 Pa/cm2
*Disinfection: Wash in normal washing machine cycle at 60°C
According to UNE 0065 parameters= 10 washes
According to CWA 17553:2020 parameters= 30 washes
97.45 Antibacterial barrier and Breathability 58 +/- 1 Pa/cm2
*Disinfection: Immerse in a 20 ml dilution bleach 980ml of water, 30 min Normal wash with cold water to remove traces of bleach.
According to UNE 0065 parameters= 15 washes
According to CWA 17553:2020 parameters= 30 washes
90.34 Antibacterial barrier and Breathability 35 +/- 1 Pa/cm2
*Disinfection: Washing in normal washing machine cycle at 60°C
According to UNE 0065 parameters= 5 washes
According to CWA 17553:2020 parameters= 30 washes
If you want more information or need the complete essays, do not hesitate to ask us.