How to prepare your house for winter

Nov 5, 2020Ines Reig Llorens
Complicated weeks are coming up and now more than ever, we must stay home as much as possible. What can you do? Apply these tips to make your home warmer and more welcoming for these months to come... Do you dare?
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Again writing and this time about how to prepare your house for winter. You will see that we will recommend the duvet covers and we will talk about some tips that you can implement at home to make it more welcoming.

They say that because of Covid19, winter is going to be more difficult for everyone and who knows, maybe they order home confinement but, this time we are ready! And if you have to spend more time at home, let's make it a time where you can be comfortable in your home!

Duvets and duvet covers

The first thing we are going to talk about is something essential in cold months: duvet covers and their quilts. Since we were little girls we have had duvets covered by duvet covers at home, but since we started working at dE.LENZO we have realized that this has not always been the case and that there are even people who do not like it. The good thing about being so close to our clients is that they tell us what their tastes are at bedtime and what they have had at home all their lives. Many tell us that they have never slept with a duvet but that at home they are more like a top sheet and a quilt. On the other hand, others told us that they prefer only to sleep with a blanket. On the contrary, people who sleep with duvets do so with synthetics, feathers or even natural fibers such as wool. Whatever you use, get it out of the closet, but be sure to clean it before you put it to bed.

We recommend washing the quilt (whatever the material it is) once a year, every time we are going to take it out of the closet for the winter. You can take it to the dry cleaners or do it yourself at home.

  1. First of all, read the label and see the washing recommendations. There are some that allow washing in a washing machine and must also indicate the appropriate temperature for it.
  2. Look at the size of your comforter because if your washing machine only supports a certain KG, you may end up loading the washing machine and your comforter will not come out clean.
  3. If it is filled with feathers, you will have to make them uniform throughout the filling and this is achieved by putting tennis balls in the washing machine (you have to put them inside a sock)
  4. It is better that when you choose the program you choose the delicate program and wash it in cold water.
  5. To dry it, we recommend laying it outside and doing it horizontally so that it dries completely and there are no parts that are more humid than others.

Linen cushions and other textures

The more cushions you put on the sofa, the more cozy your living room will be and don't be afraid to mix different materials or textures, you don't have to have the entire sofa with the same type of cushion, that's nothing funny. Now, the ideal thing is that you dare to mix that yes, always looking for a pattern of the same or similar colors so that there is a homogeneous decoration.

Long live beautiful rugs!

Surely it happens to you that in winter you can't go barefoot because your feet get cold no matter what floor you have (obviously if it's underfloor heating, no hehe) and I don't even tell you when you have to go to the bathroom very early.
To make your house much warmer, there is nothing better than taking out the rugs and leaving them on all winter and if they are KLIMT (our favorites) with cheerful colors and beautiful variations... you will have hit the nail on the head.

Say yes to having a house full of candles!

There is nothing better than coming home, putting on your house slippers, preparing an infusion and lighting the candles... We find it a romantic, cozy and pleasant moment. What we like the most is being able to group them, put a tray under them or a piece of decorative wood that you have at home to give it even more vibe...the candles at home are not lacking.

Betting on green... From plants!

We comment on our instagram profile, the visual power of green is magical and that phrase is not without reason. When you go to buy plants, ask for advice and buy those that are easy to maintain and that can withstand the winter cold, if you have them inside, make sure that they do not need so much sunlight either, since many houses in winter have less light due to the change time and weather...
Where to place the plants so they look pretty? If you want to get away from the typical, place the plants on stools or in structures designed for plants... we leave you a photo here so you can see it.

Flowers to brighten the grayest days

Speaking of plants...we don't forget the flowers. We love having bouquets of flowers at home but above all, bouquets that dry beautifully, bouquets to give them a second life... not throwaway bouquets. The only experience we have had in relation to this has been with the brand The Colvin with which we have given bouquets of flowers to several people and on one occasion we treated ourselves to taking one for home.
Flowers brighten up any gray day...I think we have to prepare for the winter that is yet to come and not only because of the cold, but also because of the pandemic and the complicated situation that Spain is experiencing...we need joy and color at home so, here we leave you a photo of something alive, beautiful and essential at home.

We hope that these tips have inspired you to decorate your home as cozy and warm as possible for these months to come

We read each other,

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