The murmur of linen

It was a day in July, a powerful day, lonely, very bright, when the Mediterranean countryside smells of pine, chamomile, fig tree; I put in my backpack the essentials for the walk and also the curly linen towels that I wanted to photograph, but first, I brought them close to my face to smell them, to squeeze them, to feel their caress, like that girl who he approaches his mother looking for the hand that will always be there.
Very late in the morning I arrived at one of those incredible hidden springs in the Sierra de Mariola. As if by magic, the murmur of the water and the light that filtered through the thick mantle of leaves of the large trees, transformed the most common of places into the most sophisticated photography studio, where the colors stood out , the smells and the gloom embraced everything. All that remained was to establish the dialogue between the air, the water and the light, with the linen cloths and the cubes of handmade soap, to listen to the melody of that wordless song, mixed with the whisper of the water… Our towels curly are the only ones that combine linen and cotton. They are available in white and natural, although in our product sheet we indicate that the natural fiber of linen is becoming lighter with each passing year... the reason? the plant receives more hours of light and more intense heat. For this reason, not all towels will have the same natural tone. Still, what is more natural and authentic? Lovely,