Guía de tamaños:
Las cortinas las hacemos todas a medida.
Solo algunos modelos tienen estándar, pues son medidas linos menos anchos.
Recomendamos que a la medida de tu ventana, como mínimo, le suma el doble de anchura.
ANCHURA: Si tu ventana es de 3 metros de ancho, necesitarías una cortina de 6 metros.
LARGURA: Dependiendo de cómo tengas la barra, del acabado que quieras y de si quieres que te arrastre, tienes que elegir una medida u otra.
Puedes elegir entre las medidas que te indicamos o pedir tus personalizadas en SIEMPRE NOS PONDREMOS EN CONTACTO CONTIGO antes de empezar la confección.
Natural or White Linen Curtain
240gr/m2 washed linen curtain. The White curtain is 220 cm wide and we can make the length you need and the Natural curtain is 200 cm. Finished for hidden rod or hooks. Suitable for any rod.
Detalles de confección:
Realizamos varios tipos de confecciones. Con cintas fruncidoras, con cintas tejidas para barra, para poner pinzas, con lazos.
Depende del efecto que quieras conseguir debes elegir un acabado u otro.
Ponte en contacto para personalizar tus cortinas o cuando realices tu pedido SIEMPRE nos contactaremos contigo para tener más detalles y si necesitas un presupuesto personalizado; escríbenos
Composición y cuidados:
100% lino Europeo lavado
Lavado en lavadora a 30°C si es posible, mejor evitar el centrifugado rápido.
Secado medio en secadora o en tendedero pero en horizontal para que no se alarguen.
Plancha suave para que no pierda la arruga característica del lino.
Algunas ideas:
HILL. s. m.: The best part of the linen once chopped that is separated from the tow and used to make LENZO.
Our linens are made from lenzo, from European harvests, chosen from their places of cultivation and processing to maintain the origin and roots of one of the most natural fabrics in the world.
To make our pieces, we buy linen previously washed in large drums, which beat the fiber to achieve maximum softness, and natural substances are added that advance the softening process. Therefore, it does not shrink or wrinkle.
Linen is a sustainable, ecological and recyclable fabric. Antibacterial and hygroscopic.
All linen used in our production has an international Oeko-Tex conformity certificate and has been tested to meet the environmental requirements of Oeko-Tex Standard 100.
Our bedding is made with linens of 160gr/m2, 170gr/m2, 190gr/m2 and 240gr/m2, for greater quality and extraordinary comfort.
Some of our cushions are sewn with rustic linen up to 350gr/m2, and our towels with linen terry and cotton base exfoliate your skin in the most natural way possible.
We handcraft the most natural, ecological and unique household linen that you can find in national production today, being a benchmark in
the Spanish market.
-Linen is the oldest textile fiber in known history. It has been woven for ten thousand years.
-Linen dates back to ancient Egypt, having been found in tombs
-80% of world linen production is of European origin.
-The role of linen in climate change is fundamental because its manufacture is an ecological alternative to cotton. Being a natural fiber, it is ecological, sustainable and biodegradable.
- If you suffer from allergies or have sensitive skin, linen fabric will not cause any discomfort, on the contrary, it helps the skin.
-Releases negative ions that heal. On the contrary, synthetic fibers decrease our biological defenses.
-Flax fiber has the capacity to absorb 20% of the moisture of its dry weight. Cotton only includes 8.5%
-Sleeping with linen sheets is the healthiest. It has been shown that with linen you sleep more deeply, rest more, improve your mood and shorten convalescence.
-Textile linen is one of the few fibers that eliminates and neutralizes odors in the environment, maintaining a pleasant sensation that does not occur with other fabrics. It is so resistant that it has been used to make boat sails, canvas,
bags, canvases...
- You would only need two sets of beds, for your life....